Sunday, June 1, 2008


Since my blog talks about money making tips for bloggers, I guess there are a lot of them in the internet. As my personal tip for you guys is that, dont try to create a blog just for the purpose of money. money was never an Idea before blogging was invented. monetizing blogs comes only after blogging. So dont make money as your purpose in creating a blogging.

As my tip for you, since my blogs talks money making tips for bloggers, here it is. Just make your blog clean, well groom and most importantly has a good and quality content. that the basic. Just keep on posting as that you are building the content of your blog. Post only topics which you think relevant to your blog.

Here is the list of blogs which I think would really help you if you are planning of monitizing your blog. Read the two blogs and I hope you would find them helpful in your journey of making money online. HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE and BLOGGERS MONEY MAKING TIPS